Jenna DeYoung | Smith & Associates Real Estate | REALTOR | Home

About Jenna

Jenna is a Florida native, happily calling St. Petersburg her home. After graduating from Florida State University, Jenna worked as an event planner for a non-profit, where she organized and orchestrated large gala events. Clients will attest to Jenna’s charming personality, attention to detail and enthusiasm for her work.

Transitioning into her real estate career was a natural fit for Jenna as she grew up surrounded by those in the industry. She is a third generation Realtor, with her mother owning her own real estate business, and father a franchisee for Arthur Rutenberg in Charlotte County, it was only a matter of time before Jenna followed in the family business.

Jenna understands that buying or selling a home is one of the biggest decisions of your life. Whether it is your first home, dream home or investment property, Jenna knows the value of finding the best fit for you!